With the Monongalia County Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Day event just around the corner it’s a good time to start sharing information about how to recycle or properly dispose of household hazardous waste. The HHW Collection Day event is hosted by the Morgantown Utility Board (MUB) and is scheduled for Saturday, August 7, 2021, from 8:00 am – 11:00 am at 278 Greenbag Road. This is an important event for residents because it provides an opportunity to finally recycle or properly dispose of those household hazardous waste items that have collected since last year’s event. And, just as important, it keeps hazardous waste out of the waste stream and the environment.
What are Household Hazardous Waste Items?
Household hazardous waste examples are batteries, fluorescent bulbs, lawn and garden chemicals and other hazardous waste items that should not be placed in your recycle bin or at drop-off recycle centers and should not be thrown in your regular trash. Several items have additional options but for this article we want to focus on how to prepare for the event, and what to do if you miss the event.

How to Prepare for the HHW Collection Event
First, mark your calendar unless you have our 2021 How to Recycle or Properly Dispose of Hard-to-Recycle or Dispose-of Items calendar. In it you will find information on many of the items accepted at MUB’s event. The last page of the calendar has a place to list items you want to recycle or properly dispose of. Visit our website monongaliacountyswa.com to read or print a copy.
Then, prepare by reviewing the full list of items being accepted at the event on MUB’s website https://mub.org/hhwc or call MUB at 304-292-8443 or email Chris Dale at cdale@mub.org if you have any questions. That way, you will only put items aside that you know MUB will take.
What to Do If You Miss the Event
The Monongalia County HHW Collection Day event is held only one time a year. With limited options in the county, the most important thing to do is keep informed. There are several organizations, businesses, and mail-in options to recycle or properly dispose of household hazardous waste, although some have a cost, and some events are only one time a year. However, check out these organizations to learn more and keep informed.
Monongalia County Solid Waste Authority - monongaliacountyswa.com
Monongalia County Commission Recycling - moncountyrecycling.com
Recycle Right Morgantown - as of 2023 this program was discontinued. Visit https://www.morgantownwv.gov/688/Recycling-Guide for Morgantown Recycling
WVU Sustainability - sustainability.wvu.edu
To keep our county safe and beautiful it is important to recycle or properly dispose of household hazardous waste items. Besides attending MUB’s HHW Collection Day event, and keeping informed, check with the company you are purchasing these items from or the product’s company to learn if they provide options to recycle or properly dispose of their products. If you still have questions about HHW be sure to contact us at the Monongalia County Solid Waste Authority at 304-292-3801 or email us at moncountyswa@gmail.com.
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Please contact us if any of the links above do not work. You can reach us via the Contact Us form or by email at moncountyswa@gmail.com